Orchestrator 500 Error with error number 18456

Hi , I have facing issue in getting the UiPath Orchestrator page, keep showing error 500. But all the installation did was based on the UiPath Documentation.

error image and event viewer error

Please anyone help me on this thank you


Welcome to the community

What is the user you are trying to login.Is it added


sorry sir, didn’t understand ur question. u mean the SQL authentication user details is it sir?


Can you tell if you have configured your iis server?

Yes…DB user details …As per error its showing a service account ntauthority is being used…which is a local account


yes sir i have already configure the IIS server, moreover I have chosen windows authentication and not SQL authentication during configuration


We can see that it is windows authentication…but it says the login to db failed…did you configure it properly?

Is the sql server and orchestrator on same server?

Are the ports connecting which is 1433 open or is it blocked?

Did you configure the db connection properly…

As per error it is clear on the sql db connection issue


Hi @ezekiel ,
Are you having Application Pool Identity in your IIS App pools like below?

If yes, you need to change it to the Windows Authentication User you have used for the DB. If you are using windows authentication for DB, you are suppose to use the “custom account” feature while installing the Orchestrator and provide the credentials, I think you have used “Application Pool Identity” instead. Change it using the Advanced settings under Edit application pools as shown below.

Once all the 4 values are changed, please do an IISRESET also and try. Let me know if it helps.

let me check on this sir
Thank you for helping

sure sir , let me check on this sir . Thank you for your help