Option to save email in pdf

Use case here is that the customer would like to save email in pdf (or doc) format for meet retention policy needs. Though we can save file in .eml I see no way to save in pdf or convert .elm to .pdf. There are marketplace activity package but it still does not meet requirement. It will be nice to have out of the box from UiPath.

What if mail contains attachments?

Anyway… workaround for now (not the best one) open each eml file and pront it to pdf by Outlook?

Hey Vinod,

Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions. We captured your insight in our Roadmap and we will come back with an answer.

For now, we don’t support this scenario out of the box.

Thank you,

Any update on this? A lot of people have asked about this over the years. You have “save as PDF” for Word, Excel, Powerpoint…but not Outlook…