Hi all,
i’ve a problem with open browser in firefox
The Uipath extension is already installed and the browser is opened, but my link reroutes us to another page, for the logging procedure, maybe this is the problem?
Moreover we have tried to attach the second windows (login page) the selector is “validate” but not working when try to launch it, how can i fix it?
I think there is a variable in the target selector like <wnd app='chrome.exe' url='some random variable' />
So make sure to replace them with *
You can also try it using a Open Browser and use your UiBrowser as the target selector.
Did you also tryed on Chrome/IE just to make sure that it’s not a Firefox/extension issue?
Hi @Damien,
now i can’t reach the attach browser, because the open browser open firefox but throw the error that i have attached.
It’s not a firefox issue i think because the login of other page with the same activity (open browser) works well.
I think the error is because after it opened it, he recognize another page (landing/login page)
Do you have a unique but not random value in your target selector?
can u post the selector screenshot?
This is the selector of attach browser(landing page):
But the open browser after opened firefox properly, goes in error