OCR Activity

hi im using ocr text activity to get data in image and write into excel. but robot get €5-5231004 the correct data should be CS-S231004

Hi @anis.syafrina

Try with tesseract ocr and try changing the scaling to 2 and profile none.
or try with omni page ocr and try by changing the scale

Hope it helps!!


Which OCR activity do you use?
How about set allowed characters as the following?



OR, can you try other OCR engine such as OminipageOCR etc?


Hello @anis.syafrina

  1. Choose the right OCR engine.
  2. Adjust OCR settings (scale, whitelist).
  3. Apply image preprocessing.
  4. Specify the text region of interest.
  5. Ensure legible font and size.
  6. Whitelist relevant characters.
  7. Verify language settings.
  8. Experiment with confidence thresholds.
  9. Test with different image types.
  10. Post-process extracted text.
  11. Use high-quality source images.
  12. Continuously evaluate and iterate for accuracy.

Thanks & Cheers!!!