How to extract text from this image?

Hello evryone,
I have used tessract, omni, UiPath ocr but it is getting me wrong captcha. Can anyone help to deal with this ?



Use Get ocr text Activity.And Please change the scaling

Hi @RobotUi

use the below activity


Hi @RobotUi

Try this



It it fetching incorrect captcha frequently. who do i mitigate this,
i know above ocr engine can be used in Get OCR Activity, but i wanna reduce wrong capcha.

Hi @RobotUi

Try changing the scaling’s in the OCR’s that will resolve the issue.


how to do that? can you show me screenshot ?

Hi @RobotUi

Change the scaling from 2 to 5 by increasing .5 for each time


what does this scaling does ?can you brief me ?

Hi @RobotUi

The scaling helps in getting the Text accurately. Based on the documents the scaling’s will be varied.


does this only availabe for Tesssaract ocr ?

Hi @RobotUi

Except for UiPath Document OCR the rest of the OCR’s will have the scaling Option.


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