Object reference error while calling one argument into other workflow

How Can I resolve the error of : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Flow : Main flow is calling 1,2,3 workflow.
1 - Reading excel file and filtering through filter data table
2 - Opening Website to process those data
3- IF filterdaat.rows.cound>0
Then - For each row in FilterDT will process here.

I am invoking all arguments in main workflow and still giving error. I was able to get it through Read Data table but after filtering it something wrong.



I guess your filter is removing all
The data and you are trying to access it

Please run in debug mode and check the variables after each step from locals panel


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Some argument Value that you are trying to send is not initialized or null.
Hence this error.

Can you share the argument values for this invoke workflow where you’re getting this error.


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Object reference will not set to an instance of an object error will come when the argument or variables are not passed properly. In this case only this error throws.
Check in Filter datatable activity has given input datatable and filtered datatable. In Invoke workflow check the arguments are passed properly or not.
Check the If condition that should be like filterdt.rows.count>0

Hope it helps!!

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I checked and It is working when I am doing on Workflow 1 when I am filtering Datatable . IT has 11 rows.
I pass argument on all workflows and give In/Out direction.

Hi @Anil_G Filter isn’t removing all, IT has 11 rows but somehow argument which I am passing is not working and don’t know why.

Argument has values and not null. Arguments are shared within all workflows and has In/Out direction.



Perform step into every where and check the variables after each step


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Please try to debug the workflow by using step in, step over, and check the values of your arguments and variables.

That could be the only issue.

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@Anil_G @adiijaiin
Ok, So I checked and it is coming null . I don’t know why null when it has values in it.

On workflow 1 it is giving row count 11 but on workflow 3 it is null.

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definitely an issue with passing variables around.

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Yes, And I found it . I was not passing on values in one of the workflow. Thanks

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