I am copying some data and pasting it to note pad using(Ctrl+V) short cut key.
next step is to click on file and click on save.
It works for my system and fails in other system.
though selectors are made dynamic and try catch is used. It is failing at least to ctrl+s short cut key
can i have a view on the sequence if possible
Cheers @KarthikBallary
will share screen shot later
make sure once that app and title attribute in the selector is set with wildcard *
Cheers @KarthikBallary
wnd app=‘notepad.exe’ cls=‘Notepad’ title=‘email_template - Notepad’ /> < ctrl name=‘Text Editor’ role=‘editable text’
Kindly replace this with wildcard and try once
title = ‘*’
Cheers @KarthikBallary
we have put that file in resource folder
so are we trying to copy data from one notepad and paste it in another notepad
not from one notepad but from UI
Kindly share the xaml if possible
i would like to see the process designed, this can be resolved
there must be some issue with selector only we need to find where it is lagging as you say it works fine in your machine
Cheers @KarthikBallary
Sorry Confidential information. I will try to share similar one
NotePadTest.zip (14.6 KB)
I have used attach browser this community forum only
Any Solution?
Let me check once now buddy
Can you use that start process and other hotkeys outside the attach browser.
Ok will try and see