Not able to run process on remote machine (RDP) using unattended bot

Hi Team ,

I have UiPAth community edition 2021.10.5 . I have published process on my orchestrator - shared folder
This is simple process which login into site on VM machine, read users and write it in output panel.
When I execute it from UiPath studio , it works perfectly .
But when same process is executed from orchestracture on remote machine using unattended bot , getting error could not find UI Element .

I know that to execute process on VM machine , we have to open application . I follwoed it also added fuzzy search capabilities in the selector . Still its not working
Getting below error

I have below questions -

  1. I am able to run same process from studio on same remote machine but not able to run same process from orchestrator why ?
  2. If the selector is getting found from studio why from orchestrator its not able to find?

Please Note - I have installed all the required UiPath components for executions of process on VM as below

  1. UiPath Extension for Windows Remote Desktop
  2. UiApth Remote Runtime
  3. Chrome extention

Can anyone please help as I am not able to proced further?


Check below thread for your reference

Hope this will help you


Hi Srinivas ,

My bot is installed in service mode. Still I am facing the same issue .
I am using UiPath Community edition .

Is running process on remote machine using unattended bot allowed in Community Edition ?

Hi UiPath Team,

Can anyone take a look at this issue and suggest the solution ?