Not able to create Time Logs in Zoho using HTTP Request Activity, working with postman

Hi Everyone,

I have built an API that is used to add time logs in Zoho people. The API is working fine with Postman I tested it with postman and time logs were successfully added in Zoho.
When I am trying to use the same API in the UiPath Http Response activity I am getting an Authentication error.

Please suggest some solution to this problem here is my activity

May i know what status code or response you are getting @Vineet_Joshi

Hi Palaniyappan,

Here is the output generated with the status codes

Thank you

Hi @Palaniyappan any solutions?

Looks like token used is invalid

  1. Make sure u r referring to correct instance of the application like dev, val, prod
  2. Also check with the bearer token whether it is fresh
    Because it can get expired
    Better take the new token key and use it with bearer token
  3. Check with clients ids or secret ids whether it’s correct or not if any used

Check with these aspects and let us know for any clarifications

Cheers @Vineet_Joshi

Hi @Palaniyappan ,

I did not get your 1st point can you please explain?
other that we are using Oauth2 type authentication with access tokens that we generate every time
Client ID and Secret is correct while generating the tokens

Can you please let me know


Your api url will be referring to some instance

So whichever instance you want to connect make sure you are using the appropriate end url in api call

Cheers @Vineet_Joshi

Hi @Palaniyappan

If it’s possible can we please have a quick call? it will be really helpful

With regards
Vineet Joshi

Hi @Palaniyappan

just following up with you, should I send you the ZIP File for debugging??
Please let me know

Thanks and Regards
Vineet joshi