Not able to create selectors on SAP for particular Region even after SAP GUI Scripting is enabled

Hi All,

I am facing issues while I am trying to create selectors on SAP GUI Interface, I have enabled SAP Scripting from Client & Server Side both.

& I am able to create selectors at some Places & able to perform certain activities & also I am able to Login & call transaction from SAP Activities,

But at some places it is selecting whole page instead of any box or selecting big area from the Page.
Here it is selecting whole Box.

Can anyone help.

Vishal Khurana

Hello @Vishal.Khurana ,

Just play with the available UiFramework you will get the selectors.

While capturing selector Press F4 and check


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Hi @Vishal.Khurana

With high probability the scripting in not enabled. Check once more the steps here: Configuration Steps

@Sanjit_Pal for SAP WinGUI automation the only one framework should be used - DEFAULT. This ensure stable and reliable automation based on SAP API Scripting interface.

Please share following information:

  • SAP WinGUI version
  • UiPath Studio version
  • UiPath UiAutomation Activity version

In addition share the following screenshots:

  • SAP UiPath Studio - selectors of SAP element

Best regards, Lev


Hi @LevKushnir

Thanks for your response.

SAP Scripting is enabled , because I am able to perform some actions which I was not able to perform before scripting.

Below are the versions of UiPath, SAP & Ui Automation activities.



HI @Vishal.Khurana

I am missing the last KEY screenshot, then in most cases in become clear, where is the issue.

Thanks, Lev