Not able to click on a link on a webpage

With click action I am not able to click on this link. It is a clickable link. It should click and then navigate to another tab


Can you try click text activity instead? or are you able to click close to that element an navigate using tab or some keyboards shortcuts?


When I double click I do see its highlighted. So the tool is clicking but nothing is happening. It should click the hyperlink and we should go to a new tab.


You can try using get attribute activity and get the url and use navigate url activity to go to the url

And did you try with hardware click?


That issue sorted I took a different approach.
I want to click on the link but the tool is unable to do so. When I do right click it should give me copy link option but instead it shows the attach. I think its clicking but not exactly on the link.


Not sure how to do Hardware click.

Getting attribute and navigating to the url is also not working


In the properties of click set simulate click to false


@Anil_G I tried hardware click but its not clicking on the link. Please check the ss the red dot was the click


If it is clicking wrong then try using the offset option in click properties and set x and y value so that the click moves to a little above

It looks like a resolution issue…Can you set the resolution and login to console to false…in the robot settings


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It worked!
I kept anchoring point to topleft.

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