No MLSkill Available

Dear All,

Can someone tell me how to find question and answer model in MLSkill ?
I am using the preview version.


itā€™s in private preview only to customers who apply and inquire for a demo for themselves

I am using the preview

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To use the ā€˜ML Skillā€™ in the studio, the ā€˜ML Packageā€™ must be activated in the orchestrator. Please refer to the following URL.

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Thank You JIHUN. Appreciate the links.
Would you have a sample workflow ?

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The Open Source Machine Learning library we have is limited and difficult to use.
I can create and upload ML models with Python, but I havenā€™t tried it.

Pretrained Model

How Build your own ML Model

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Thanks JIHUN.
Could you help me with the below

  1. Status of my ML Package is currently undeployed.
  2. Unable to create the ML Skills though I have published my workflow

I have not got a hang of this yet !

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Pretraind model deploy 1.
(you must have enterprise license, if community edttion will not show menu.)

Pretraind model deploy 2.

Pretraind model deploy 3.

Package Name

Can choose ML Skill.

ML Test

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I have enterprise, can see ML Skills , If I click on create, my model doesnt come upā€¦

I changed my article. Please check again.

Thanks again Jihun. I am trying the Q and A skills but getting this error !

Hi Preetith,

Can you check that your studio is connected to right Orchestrator instance (the one having your skills deployed)? Also refresh the ML Skill list on activity side (clicking small icon next to dropdown) and check that list of ML Skills is the same than on your Orchestrator UI. Once you have validated this it should work better.
The error you got here suggest that youā€™re trying to call an ML Skill called ā€œImageClassificationā€ but this ML Skill is not part of your Orchestrator this explains why your call fails.


Thanks Jeremy for your response.
I have only one orchestrator instance. I am missing something hereā€¦ I have added the as the MLSkill and the workflow in Studio shows the ML skill but when I run this it throws the error !!
Appreciate if you can point me to docs on how to use the workflow and the skill together.

Even OS Packages do not work !! I am definitely missing somethingā€¦

Hi Preetith,

Letā€™s start by your second message, I think there is two error here:

  • You need to pass a json string, the test inbox automatically format your input as a string but you are still missings hugs around.
  • Just realize there is actually a typo in our input example, a " is missing after crisis..
    So please try with this exact message from the test window:
    {"paragraph": "Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th president of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War, its bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis.", "question": "Which year did Lincoln pass away?"}
    If you want to try the same but running the workflow instead, the input will need to be formatted as a string and will then be:
    "{""paragraph"": ""Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th president of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War, its bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis."", ""question"": ""Which year did Lincoln pass away?""}".

Regarding your first message, I can help you if you send me your workflow and at least file of your model (assuming you are not trying with an OS Package).

PS: Just realized you also posted on insider preview portal, feel free to post your files there if you are more comfortable this way.

Dear Jeremy, Thank you for the reply. I am trying this out. Will let you know soon. Thanks for the response on the insider too. I will continue to post there.

Best Regards,

Hi Jeremy,
The Test Skill is working fine.
However, from the workflow, I am still getting errorā€¦ Attaching the workflow, please (23.8 KB)

Hi Preeti,
Two things there:

  • first, my bad for the confusion, the string that I was suggesting above
    "{""paragraph"": ""Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th president of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War, its bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis."", ""question"": ""Which year did Lincoln pass away?""}"
    is only necessary if you assign string directly or write that directly in input of ML Skill. If you are reading from a file using read text file activity, the conversion will be automatically done for you so inside the file you should have an actual json:
    {"paragraph": "Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th president of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War, its bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis.", "question": "Which year did Lincoln pass away?"}
  • second you passed the wrong input to the activity (path of the file instead of content).

Please find corrected workflow here. Also make sure that you refresh ML Skill activity and select the right skill on your environment before running it. (23.2 KB)

Dear Jeremy,
Thanks a lot for your support. I have now understood the way to use the ML Skills !!


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