[help me]

Can anyone tell me what is the machine learning algorithm that AI center uses in the packages, thank you very much

Hi @Hoai_Tr_n, welcome to the Community.

Please refer the following document:

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

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Every model uses a different algorithm…you can check the details by searching for the model in the documents of UiPath and get information of what algorithm is used in that respective model

Example Text Classification.


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AI Center platform, you can select the machine learning algorithm you want to use for your specific use case when creating a new ML Package. This is typically done in the “Configure Model” section of the package creation process.

Once the model has been trained and deployed, you can use it in UiPath Studio to create intelligent automations that can analyze and process data using the algorithm you selected.

UiPath does not use one set of algorithm for everything. You can find pre-built out of the box machine learning packages in AI center which cater to many use cases. These packages consists of different algorithm combinations derived to give the end user the best result for the use case.

You can also upload your custom ML model in UiPath. Here’s a guide to check the OOTB ML packages and how you can upload your own custom ML model to UiPath.