Yesterday, suddenly the alert page in orchestrator disappeared. Probably due to an automation cloud update.
After some trouble, because we use that page for our debugging, we have found the new notification page which looks familiar and close to the alert page.
But I highly recommend to adapt some features into the new page that were available in the old page:
Auto-Refresh: New Alerts should be shown without having to click actively on refresh
Timestamp: When hovering over the timestamp we would like to see the exact timestamp as before in the alert page.
Selecting a row is not possible anymore
Right-click → open in new tab to see the error: As for now if I click on an entry, the job page opens directly. It would be nice if it were possible to open the page in a new tab.
With these changes the new page would be on the same level as the old alert page.
Here are some wishes for further improvement:
Instead of opening the error in a new tab it would be even better if we could see the protocol and error message / photo / video directly on the right hand side - similar to the job page.
It would be nice if it were possible to mark an entry as “Debugging started” or “being worked on”: The idea is that one colleague could mark the error alert and show that it he/she is working on it or has solved it. So that the other colleague can work on the next alert. This would enhance communication in debugging teams.
And in general: It would be nice to get a notification before a whole orchestrator page disappears.