I need to check a checkbox in a datagrid view with respect to a condition.
For ex : If I have a value called as “office” then I need to check 3 checkbox
HUpdate : this is for web. Didn’t notice the windows app image.
I think logic should still work except the selectors
"<wnd role='cell' text='Office'/>
If you are able to use find children on the table, I think below idea is the simple way and since you have only one condition.
Find Children Activity on the Table - with Filter
"<webctrl tag='td' aaname='Office' />"
- Use For Each Activity -
as TypeArgument say item - Inside ForEach drop an AnchorBase Activity with AnchorPosition as Right
- In Anchor Section drop FindElement Activity and pass item from #2 to Element parameter.
- In Action, drop Click Activity, indicate on screen any checkbox in that Table.
But the logic fails for desktop application , any sample workflow ?
Not exactly sure how the desktop selector patterns are.Until others pitch in…
Try this in the find children filter and follow same logic.Paste the screenshot if any errors.
role='cell' text='Office'/>"
Brother, did you find solution for this?
As I also seem to be stuck in a similar situation and its a crucial step with regard to the complete process. Please guys let me know if there is a good way to get it done. I need to check 2 column values and then check the checkbox based on its values. For reference please refer the screenshot this gentleman has uploaded as mine is almost same.