Hi ,
I am new to RE Framework Automation and I want to run some Steps
before my RE framework automation starts . Can someone help me how we can run my Automation steps ?
I want to perform below one time steps before every my Automation suit starts .
Read email from outlook
Create folder in secure folder with current date stamp
Grab that email and download that attachment(excel sheet) to specific secure folder
I will perform Null checks & File name change etc
Once File is ready after all modifications then i should start my Automation reading that excel file by row one by one and put them in queue. initiate my application and then input the data from queue to application
If you mean before atarting the actual process in re framework then add the steps in initialization block into the first run if condition so that those steps would be run only in the start of the e framework
I want to perform below one time steps before every my Automation suit starts .
Read email from outlook
Create folder in secure folder with current date stamp
Grab that email and download that attachment(excel sheet) to specific secure folder
I will perform Null checks & File name change etc
Once File is ready after all modifications then i should start my Automation reading that excel file by row one by one and put them in queue. initiate my application and then input the data from queue to application .
All steps below are to be placed in the place shown in step2
3. Get outlook Mail messages to get your emails then use loop to loop through all the emails and save the attachments to folder using save attachments.(if you are getting multiple emails. If you want single email use filters accordingly)
4. Use rename activity for renaming the file. and not sure what null check if it is about attachments then firs use if condition like mails.attachments.count>0 and then use save
5. Read the saved excel into io_Transactiondata datatable
6. Then do your add queue and all steps by changing the transactionitem to datrow and pass each row read from the excel to transactionitem.