As you have the consolidated file as a single file, lets do one thing
open the excel file with excel application scope
use a read range activity to read the excel and save it to a datatable variable named out_dt
Now lets take we have three departments like Mech,EEE,COMP under column deparment which is the second column
Now to get those segregated we are going to use 3 filter datatable activity as there are three departments
i would like to tell for one, kindly do the same for others as well
Open the filter datatable activity with filter wizard open like
where in columns detail i mentioned as in_dt.Columns(“department”) with condition contains “MECH”
7. Similarly buddy do for all the remaining
8. now you have 3 segregated datatables
9. While still being inside the excel application scope, use write range activity , but 3 times each with different sheet name as you need for each department with its respective datatable as input
Yes buddy there is another way, but it takes certain condition and looping with department name array, comparatively though it looks bigger its simpler, to make above one more a bit easier we can pass sheets name as array value for each department instead of creating new activity for each dept
i have to fetch employee details as well , If possible can you please find my attached xml and let me know how to solve it ,
Thanks in advance saving data into multiple excel sheet.xaml (8.7 KB)