Hi There,
I want to extract a field “Description” from PDF’s. PDF’s are normal and able to extract the data into note pad (String).
There are 2 types here where a field called “Article” available next to the Description field and in other PDF field called “Sold Date” (Basically a table ) is available next to the Description.
Note : Description can have a single /multi line data.
Description : ABC 123 Welcome message
Article : Hello welcome to UiPath
Ex :2
Description : ABC 123 Welcome message
Sold Date - Basically here there is a table and this is the first column.
For the Article PDF , i am able to get the data from notepad successfully.
Now i want to handle the second pdf format as well if it contains Sold Date i need to extract the Description.
Following is the code that i have used after getting the data from PDF to string.
Getting the data between description and article, How to handle the second pdf with the existing code.