Hello Friends! I am new to UiPath and am in some help with a workflow I am creating.
Here is the scenario: I need to extract a certain piece of data from a website. (see below)The follow data i need is “12345678”.
“Your appointment request has been received but not yet processed.Load ID 12345678 has been assigned for your reference. Please review the Dock Commitments screen after sometime to see the assigned date and time or review your Carrier Schedule Report.”
I then save my data to a variable (ApptIDValue) and this is then added to a datarow within my data table i have. And what the issue is, i am not sure why the data table is showing 2; instead of 12345678. It was working before and now everytime the datatable in excel will have the number 2. Please help!
@kwhites5229 - If you unsure of what to select …I would suggest, do not click on “Configure Regular Expression”. Just put your Input and Pattern in the properties as shown below…