Multiple Portals Bank Statement

Hi there community!
I have been in a situation lately finding a proper solution for my use case.
I have 3 bank portals to login to (OTP part was handled by a 3rd party app), and download multiple statements from each, I would like to login to one bank and extract all statements at once but at the same time would like utilise proper exception handling of REF for downloading of each statement from the bank(s). Is there a solution that I’m missing out on, or something obvious that I didn’t consider in my solution ? As of now I’m going by each account from mapping file, checking the bank and opening appropriate bank portal and downloading statement(s). But in bank with multiple statements is where I’m slightly getting confused as to what might be the best practice to handle it with proper exception handling where if one statement fails, atleast the other should be successfully dealt with.
Hope you guys got the question well.


What is your transaction item? Is it account number? If yes then for each account number you have a different transaction and different bank so the main process should go into process where even it fails it moves to nexta ccount number…so the exception in one would not effect other


Hi Anil,
Thanks for the response.
Yes the transaction item is actually a datarow item, which has account number, bank, and other corresponding details. But my concern is if there are different banks for each account number, do I login in to the portals in the intialization or check bank based on account and login to it in the process state, because the bank portals have less timeout also, and I do not want to login to all banks in initialization and keep them waiting for the bot to operate on them.


If timeout is less you can use a activate or move in process so that we keep it alive

but if you dont want to log in at once then process is your way…


Is there a way I can group all similar bank accounts and download in one go with proper exception handling then proceed with another bank accordingly, like mentioned earlier.


Two options here

  1. Sort the datatable on the bank name and then in you rprocess xaml check if the previous bank name is different than current name only then perform a new login and logout the previous…if same then already the portal eould be logged in by previous transaction so ignore the login and proceed further
  2. Use a groupby statement and send a datatable as transaction item and groupby the bank name …and process xaml loop through each group and perform your steps for each group again login and logout happens only once.The below formula can be used to get the datatable for each group and instead of selectmany use .Count for checking the transaction number if condition

out_TransactionItem = DT.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(x) x("BankName").ToString).SelectMany(Function(x) x.First.Item("TEAM").ToString)(in_TransactionNumber-1).CopyToDataTable


Thanks Anil, I will give it a try.

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