Quick question. How can we speed up the copying/moving of file from local to a shared drive? BOT was able to move the file, but still in run mode for almost 20mins. I checked the shared drive location and the file was already there. Any thoughts on this?
You mean Move File activity is executing about 20 mins to move the file Local to Shared Drive ?
Yes. Correct. I checked the shared drive and the file was already moved in less than a minute after I run it. But even though the file is already there, the bot is still running.
Can you put one Message Box activity after Move File activity and check whether BOT is waiting at Move File activity or any other activity. If Message Box activity is executed immediately then it is waiting to execute to some other activity.
If issue is with Move File activity then once try with Copy File activity and then delete the file from Local folder.
Copying from local to shared depends on network connection speed. Shared folders are always much slower than local. You’re copying a file across the network. The speed has nothing to do with UiPath.
That depends on size of the file and network speed. Also, VPN and firewall(in case of external) plays a vital role here at times.
Although, you want to achieve a faster transfer, give a try to SFTP connection and get file using it. To confirm your method first try fetching the file manually once to check the speed
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