Mobile app for UiPath forum

I believe it would be really helpful we have kind of mobile app for UIPath forum for quick access ??

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Good one.I was thinking about orchestrator app. :heart_eyes:

exactly @ddpadil both are useful, whenever we want we can also use for quick reference of guides under UIPath 2017v etc…

Just wondering how u gonna upload xaml file to forum in case you need to.
Then you need to transfer xaml from system to your mobile then you need to upload to forum.
quite a time consuming isn’t it. :wink:
Just my thought.

Off course, uploading xaml and checking xaml is not possible those things will only managed in computer/laptop. But to view conversation and check updates , refer docs this will be nice approach :thinking:

Indeed. I use mobile browser sometime to check the notification and post.
:iphone: :blush:

@badita , is there any plan for mob app in future ?

Maybe it would be nice to have but right now we have other issues to deal with.
The forum is mobile optimized. Did you try it?


Works fine for me.
Typing code is a pain still, but I dont see how an app would help.

Dedicated forum mobile apps:


Wow…thanks Cosin

This app will be simply awesome. Life saver for me.

Hopefully it can be developed soon!


UiPath forum can be converted to an installed Android app just in seconds.

Open from Google chrome in Android phone. Select “Add to Homescreen” from the menu options. It will get installed as a new App (Name - UiPath Community forum) in your Android phone. forum site is mobile optimized and has very good option to convert the site to an android app instantly.


Or you could use the apps I posted above, they are mobile-optimized for this specific forum.

I am using like this only, works like a charm :wink:

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Hi how can i use uipath to automate mobile apps and mobile web browser if we can use please let me know the steps.