Microsoft Sign In Pop Up Appearing during run causing failure

Hi all,

I’m hoping you can help with an issue I’m finding in one of my bots where during certain runs of the performer a Microsoft Sign In pop up will appear and cause the run to fail due to the bot unable to find the UI element in the SAP transaction screen. This does not occur in every run and appears random, has anyone seen this before?

The automation does contain Microsft 365 scopes, I’m using the authentication type UsernameAndPassword, however it has occurred in parts of the automation when it is not actively interacting with any activity associated with the scopes also.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Never had it pop up randomly, but you could try using a Global Handler to click the close button or complete the sign in.

Otherwise you could try wrapping each Use Application card in a Retry activity, and add Activate or Show Window at the beginning of the Use Application card. That way when the popup happens, the activity fails, UiPath restarts from the beginning of Use Application, and it will bring your window to the front.