Hi - did you resolve this issue? I have the same problem. The process works fine on one bot but fails with this error on the other bot. I guess it is a installation package dependency problem but have not yet been able to identify what the issue is.
Most probably - try to identify which activity throws the error and reinstall the package that it comes from (it should also reinstall the needed dependencies in most cases).
If you’ll be unsure which one is it, post the name of it and someone here will definitely be able to identify it.
Hi again. I solved my issue. I was examining the differences between a bot machine that the process worked ok on and the ther that it was failing with this error. I saw that the failing bot did not have these directories
I concluded that the packages that your processes are dependant on at runtime must exist in this AppData directory structure. The primary difference between my servers were one had Studio installed (and therefore had installed all of the packages as part of the development process) and the other was a robot only and had never had any dependant packages installed. It is still not 100% clear to me as to the best process for deploying these to a robot machine as copy paste of files seems a bit low tech! But at least it works now!
I did examine the UiPath folder and found that they are different!
And I tried with some another machine who had the same folders and there it worked!
Hi @andrzej.kniola@Peter_Lacken
When I am using the script through command prompt I am getting the same issue.
I have the above packages in folder,
Can you please help.
Hi @Gabriel_Tatu
Uipth studio version 2018.2.3
and excel package version UiPath.Excel.Activities.2.4.6666.26225
Simple workflow is working but the workflow with database connection is not working(mysql database)
Please I need your help.
I have the same problem, but with this solution not execute my robot.
I copied the files but nothing.
I’m use the Uipath Studio 2016.2.6192 and Uipath.Excel.Activities.2.3.6682.26635
@Gabriel_Tatu Hi,
I’m having the same problem.
I have one server with Studio and one test server without Studio.
I’m using 2018.2.3 and the package that isn’t working on the test server is SB.OutlookMail.Activites .
I tried to put the package in the AppData Activites folder on the test server, but I still get the error: Cannot create unknown type ‘{clr-namespace:Santan.OutlookMail;assembly=OutlookMail}sendOutlookMailWithImage’.
Any suggestions?
We have a similar problem with a custom activity. The custom activity was manually downloaded from RPA Listings - Collections, Integration Packs | UiPath Marketplace and stored locally in the UiPath Studio environment. Manage Package (Ctrl+P) was used to install the activity in UiPath Studio. In one process the custom activity was then used and on the computer with the UiPath Studio the custom activity can be executed without problems. The process was then deployed to the Orchestrator. However, this process cannot then be executed on other robots. The error message is execution error : “System.Exception: Cannot create unknown type ‘{clr-namespace:UiPath_Custom;assembly=customactivity01}MoveDirectory’”. We have the problem independent of the Custom Activity used.