Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure - error in Identity {"message":"An error has occurred.","errorCode":0,"resourceIds":null} - error in Orchestrator.
While attempting to update a certificate with an encrypted appsettings.production file
Issue description:
- When attempting to login to Orchestrator, the following error is thrown
- When checking the event logs, an error is observed with Webhooks related to encryption
- Verify if the changes for the certificate are made on encrypted files
- Work with a decrypted webhooks appsetting file (Encrypting AppSettings.Production.json ) and update the certificate there. After doing so, the same upfront browser error is thrown, but different Event Log errors. These errors were associated with the identity and encryption.
- Work with a decrypted version of the appsettings.json file in Identity and now it should be possible to successfully login to Orchestrator.