{"message":"An error has occurred.","errorCode":0,"resourceIds":null} Encrypted File

Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure - error in Identity {"message":"An error has occurred.","errorCode":0,"resourceIds":null} - error in Orchestrator.

While attempting to update a certificate with an encrypted appsettings.production file

Issue description:

  1. When attempting to login to Orchestrator, the following error is thrown


  1. When checking the event logs, an error is observed with Webhooks related to encryption


  1. Verify if the changes for the certificate are made on encrypted files
  2. Work with a decrypted webhooks appsetting file (Encrypting AppSettings.Production.json ) and update the certificate there. After doing so, the same upfront browser error is thrown, but different Event Log errors. These errors were associated with the identity and encryption.
  3. Work with a decrypted version of the appsettings.json file in Identity and now it should be possible to successfully login to Orchestrator.