I have created a match workflow which validates an email, if the email is valid a message box will pop up say it is is valid and if it is not then a message box will pop saying it is not. I am looking to have the process validate a pdf document for specific data such as account name.
Please see below my current workflow for validating email
Yes the flow at the min checks perfectly to see if a email is valid, i have used ^([\w.-]+@[\w.-]+.\w{2,4})$ which has worked.
The issue is i need to now validate a pdf in the same way but looking for word like account name
well you split the pdf to new lines like this PdfOutPut.Split(Environment.Newline.ToArray())
and use For each loop to iterate the strings and pass Item.ToString
in is matches activity and give your patter and vaildate!
cheers @nick.v