Email validation - Find Valid and Invalid email address

I’m building an email address validation that checks to see if an email address is still active and it should get the validation result (Valid/invalid) to excel sheet.

The problem is i’m able to check each each records but i wasn’t able to print the result in excel. can anyone please help me?

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can i have sample excel that you using for validation and workflow aswell

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I’m unauthorized to upload workflow as i’m new to uipath community

1 Like this is the validation url

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you can have if condition then you can use assign activity row(“status”)=valid/invalid based on if condition

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I’m Actually new to Uipath, Can you please post the screenshot or xaml ?

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It’s actually putting the email address in the searchbar and getting the result, but i don’t know how to get the results in excel. can you please teach me how to write it in the same excel sheet?

I want the below marked value to be copied and pasted in the excel

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Please find below the xaml file and excel sheetEmail_Validation.xaml (12.6 KB)

Email_Validation_20.xlsx (8.6 KB)

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i am getting this i’m not a robot button & also sometimes its asking for images to select i think its not possible.


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It will ask for the first time only, If we proceed that once ,it will not ask again.

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I’m getting the data’s, can you please tell the steps to get it in the excel?

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1.please add one more column in excel as status.
2.if message is valid the use assign activity row(1)=“Valid” else row(1)=“Invalid”
3.out of the loop use write range activity and overwrite the dt to excel file.

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I’m getting the data showed in the screenshot

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use if activity with condition validation.tostring.tolower.contains(“not valid”) the update the row(1) = “invalid” else row(1)=“invalid”

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Email_Validation_28Apr2020.xaml (13.4 KB)

still not copying the data to excel, Can you please check the issue?

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@Steve_Smith you have not assigned the Validation data to the Datatable, Inside the For Each Row at the End, add the Assign Statement below :
row(1) = validation.ToString

Then in the Main Flowchart Create a New Sequence and Use Write Csv Activity to write the Updated Datatable to an Output File.

Connect the Sequence to the Previous Sequence

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Still its not fetching the data to excel. Email_Validation_28Apr2020.xaml (15.3 KB)

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@Steve_Smith You have used the datatable variable instead of Email variable, Use the Email variable in the Write CSV Activity

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That’s awesome.It worked. Thanks a lot. but its writing the data’s once the program complete, if its interrupt in the middle its not writing anything. it should write in the excel after every email check. any suggestions?

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@Steve_Smith What Kind Of Interruption :sweat_smile:

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