Mainframes opening issue

Mainframes opening issue

Use Case Description

I Have a mainframe application, using terminal activity to open the main frames (Reflection-EOCLA.rd3x). while oening i getting below error .

error:TerminalSession: there was an error deserialization the object of type unexpected character’M’.

Variables: 1.SessionLetter 2.StrMainframesPath

terminal connection string: {‘AttachExisting’:false,‘ConnectionType’:0,‘EhllBasicMode’:false,‘EhllDll’:null,‘EhllEnhanced’:true,‘EhllFunction’:‘hllapi’,‘EhllSession’:‘+SessionLetter+’,‘Host’:null,‘Mode’:1,‘Port’:23,‘Profile’:‘+StrMainframesPath+’,‘ProviderType’:0,‘ShowTerminal’:true,‘TerminalType’:0}"

Any suggesitions regarding the error.

Thanks & Regards,



Other information about the use case

Industry categories for this use case: Banking

Skill level required: Advanced

UiPath Products that were used: UiPath Studio

Other applications that were used: -

Other resources: -

What is the top ROI driver for this use case?: Minimize risk and ensure compliance in operations


Instead of using variables can you once hardcode the values and check if that resolves

if not then first we need to relook at the connection string…use the wiard and proeprly build the string

if working with hardcoded values…then variables to be inserted properly

One thing I see is ‘+SessionLetter+’,‘Host’:null,‘Mode’:1,‘Port’:23,‘Profile’:‘+StrMainframesPath+’, missing inverted comma

should be line this ‘"+SessionLetter+"’,‘Host’:null,‘Mode’:1,‘Port’:23,‘Profile’:‘"+StrMainframesPath+"’,
