Steps to Establish connection to Mainframe through UIPath

Hi All,

Can someone give me the steps and ways in detail to connect Mainframe system from UI Path ?

Thanks in Advance,

There are many different types of Mainframe terminal so you should be more specific. Also if you search there are many questions about Mainframe activities. However, to get you started you should download the terminal activities (from manage packages) and see how you get on.


Hi @Dpuraj
Use this tutorial to view Automating Terminals and Mainframes

Ashwin S

Hi, Thanks for your reply. I have already tried as per the link given.

When i select connection type as “use existing profile” its asking for profile attachment like .rd5x , .rd3x and .rdox files. Where do you get these files. Is it auto generated file or do we need to create it manually?

I have also tried for Manually specified address. Even though i have given correct IP address and port number, It’s throwing the below error. kindly look into this and suggest me some idea to establish connection to mainframe application.

“message”:“Terminal Session : There was an error connecting to terminal. Error code: NotConnected”,“level”:“Error”,“timeStamp”:“2018-02-20T02:07:06.7648357-05:00”,“windowsIdentity”:“userid”,“agentSessionId”:“00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”,“processName”:“TerminalSession”,“fileName”:“Main”,“jobId”:“33d96765-f77a-4bf7-981b-46c5f7d3867a”}

Thanks in Advance,

HEy @Dpuraj

You have to specify first your mainframe provider name.

Yep, I have tried 3 mainframe providers as of now “Attachmate Reflection”,“Attachmate Extra” and “UIpath internal”

No i am asking about which mainframe application provider you are going to intract?

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oh sorry, I am trying to interact with “hod” mainframe application provider