Mainframe Automation - Press Left control key

In mainframe automation, when I enter incorrect data in the fields, an X mark appears at the left bottom of the screen.

In that case, I need to press the left control button. Unless I do, I can’t perform any actions on the screen.

However, I’m unable to find how to pass the left control key in the Send Control Key activity.

Hi @Praveen_Vs ,

That means the action is not allowed and the human like icon will restrict any interactions with the mainframe application, you need pass ‘ESC’ key for it to disappear.
Once it disappears you should be able to take the needed actions and interact with the application.

Hope this helps you.


In my case, ESC key is not working
I need to press the Left Ctrl key.
So manually I can do this on mainframe application, How can i do the same using the terminal activities?
There is no LCtrl key in Send control key activity.

Hi @Praveen_Vs ,

Use the classic activity “Send Hotkey”, in the properties pane of the activity under input you will find the Key field , set the value of key field as “lctrl” for simulating the press of left ctrl key.

If you are unable to find the activity, in the activities pane find the filter and enable show classic option post that you should be able to find the activity.

Hope this helps you out.


have a look here:

taken from: 5250 Terminal Connections: Resetting locked keyboard?

Also scroll down when the RESET key is mentioned

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Are you using a third party client? If so, I highly recommend using Direct Connection instead of a third party client.

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Tried this, Send hotkey is not working.

Hi @Praveen_Vs ,

Is the selector showing valid when opened in uiexplorer.?


This is mainframe automation, there are no selectors.

Oops yeah didn’t note that.

Hi @postwick ,

In case you are using Terminal Activities for automating the mainframe. You can try using the send control key for passing ctrl. Please check the attached links for more details.

Hope it helps.


They already said there is no “left control key” in Send Control Key, which there isn’t.

If you’re using a third party client it probably has mapping capabilities. Look in the settings to see if there is a way to map a key combination that you can do with Send Keys, to the left control.

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Thanks, Finally got the solution Reset key works

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