Macro that creates tab-delimited columns

I have a process in which the input is an xls file, I need it to read a data table. But all the data comes to me in the same column, it is delimited by tabs.

How could I run a macro to recognize the table columns that are tab delimited?
Tabla - copia.txt (574 Bytes)

We have a chance to handle it differently. Please share with us the sample file (redact / anonymize sensitive data)

Also take a note of this activity

I have attached an example, thank you very much

Tabla - copia.txt (574 Bytes)


Read the data into string variable using Read text file

then use generate datatable activity and select column separator as tab and row separator as newline


Hi @Marisa_Ontiveros1

Can you try with Read CSV activity



In general we recommend checking

  • the source providing the input data
  • do not mixup CSV and Excel and work on CSV over Excel, if possible

Lets assume the input is text (as provided in the sample)

We do see:

  • Headers ars spanning over two lines
  • depending on the headers, we do have missmatching header, columndata count

In general we would

  • cleanse up the header parts
  • parse the result as CSV

Without cleansing we cannot work directly with the Read CSV File, Generate DataTable Activity.

Please let us know the correct header names. So we can guide you on the next steps

Our guess so far:

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1400000000000000 19.04.2023 08:33:20 1 ANT 32 National Spain ABC ZQ
1500000000000000 19.04.2023 08:33:40 1 ANT 32 National Spain ABC ZQ
1600000000000000 19.04.2023 08:34:22 1 ANT 32 National Spain ABC ZQ
1700000000000000 19.04.2023 08:33:26 1 ANT 32 National Spain ABC ZQ
1800000000000000 19.04.2023 08:33:31 1 ANT 32 National Spain ABC ZQ
1900000000000000 19.04.2023 08:34:17 1 ANT 32 National Spain ABC ZQ