Machine Learning Extractor - Error ASCII characters

ERROR: Request headers must contain only ASCII characters

This error is occurring in Studio when calling a skill from AI CENTER.

I’ve already checked the taxonymy and Data Labeling and there are no columns with ASCII characters.

Has anyone ever experienced this?


Provide the endpoint in the machine learning extractor

Hi @Jorge_Miguel_Carvalho_Her

Check the below docs


I already tried to do this, the same error occurs.

You can point this activity to the “ML Skill” directly or via Endpoint (if it is public)

Do you know what else I can do?

Hi Jorge_Miguel_Carvalho_Her,
First at all, you need to type the Endpoint and Api Key collected from UiPath Cloud Platform.

If it does not work, try to update your UiPath Studio and check it again.


Hello @Jorge_Miguel_Carvalho_Her and welcome to the UiPath community !

I’ve already checked the taxonymy and Data Labeling and there are no columns with ASCII characters.

I have noticed in your message that you said your file does not contain ASCII characters, altough the error message says it should only contain ASCII characters.

Could you please post the content of the file you are trying to process if you are allowed to do so, so we can check it’s format with you.


@Rooty , follows the Taxonomy json.

What I try to read are payment slips and their expenses.

taxonomy.json (26.9 KB)

Hi Jose,
I need to use the machine learning extractor because of the different bills and classifications I have in this process (which are not standards).

Hi Jorge,

Please try the following steps:

  1. Please fill out the Endpoing and APiKey.
  2. Configure the extractor.
  3. Get or refresh extractor capabilities.

Hope it helps you!

It is configured this way @jose.ordonez1 .

I’m thinking it might be something with the taxonomy. Something between the Reading Skill when included in the extraction result.

I managed to solve the problem by updating the packages with these specific versions.

UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.ML.Activities - 1.24.0
UiPath.IntelligentOCR.Activities - 6.14.1

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