Local panel doesn't show values

Hi All! I am not able to see the values of variables in the local panel. The excution is successful. But when a breakpiint comes the variable values are not shown. I tried giving multiple breakpoints to check but no luck.

Are you sure you have variables in the scope that the breakpointed activity is in?


as we dont see the current and previous scopes did you run in debug mode? when paused on breakpoint is when you can see variables in locals panel…is that what you tried?



Ensure that your breakpoints are actually being hit. If the breakpoints are not being hit, the debugger won’t stop, and you won’t see variable values. Double-check your breakpoints to make sure they are in the right place.


@sasi_poosarla @Anil_G @postwick I am running it in debug mode. Just to make sure I gave multiple breakpoints and all of them are being hit but the locals panel is blank at every breakpoint. I gave them at message boxes, assign activities and many others. I do not know if its a UiPath studio issue or what it is. The studio version I am using is 2022.4.9.

Below is a screenshot to better help understand whats actually happening. Thank you!

Update: I fixed the import arguments too thats coming up in orange. Still the issue occurs.


On the mentioned version looks like there is an open bug …please try to change the studio version or the system packages version and check if the issue is resolved


I updated to 2022.10.5 version and I can see it now. Looks like its a version issue. Thank you!

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