Locals are empty during debug:
I’ve tried to reinstall UiPath, but no luck. Anyone else experiencing the same or have a suggestion on how to fix it?
Locals are empty during debug:
I’ve tried to reinstall UiPath, but no luck. Anyone else experiencing the same or have a suggestion on how to fix it?
The panel is only visible while debugging.
Did we run in debug mode
Right-click an argument, variable or property of the currently executing activity to add it to the Watch panel and monitor its execution throughout the debugging process.
Yes in debug mode.
Adding a watch works, just like before. But before we could see all variables in the “Locals”.
Yah but only on run in debug mode
Cheers @Obsev
Maybe I wasn’t clear enough - I am running in debug mode and Locals are empty. If I add a watch it is visible:
But in the Locals, where all variables(in current scope) was previously showing, is now empty:
Hope you could help on this
Cheers @Obsev