I have created an asset in orchestrator with string datatype.
I use REFramework code base which inturn uses “GetRobotAsset” activity to fetch the asset value.
When the bot is triggered from orchestrator, sometimes an error is thrown as :
Loading asset <asset_name> failed: You are not authenticated! Error code: 0
when using GET ASSET activity Make sure that you are connected to ORCHESTRATOR that is the machine must be connected to the orchestrator
Only then we will be able to access the assets created in orchestrator
Thanks @Palaniyappan.
The robot is indeed connected to orchestrator.
But what I notice is that, the robot status in the tray says “Connected, licensing”, “unlicensed” sometimes.
When the bot is triggered from orchestrator, the robot status changes to “Connected, Licensed”.
Does the intermediary state of robot licensing status have an impact for this authentication error?
Kindly check whether the domain name and username mentioned in ROBOT tab is as same as in your machine
That is go to your machine and open cmd window where type the command as whoami
Which will give us domain and username value
Type the same while creating robot in orchestrator
I was also facing the same issue but when i changed “UIPath.System.Activities” package version from 20.6.1-preview to an earlier version 20.4.0, it worked for me
How did you manage to get this? I am facing the same problem and it all started from a sudden. It was working well in the last minute and suddenly I got this error message.
I confirm that my orchestrator is connected and licensed. Only the new programs have such problem and those programmed earlier are still OK.
You may have to use activity package 19.6.0, instead of 20.6.0 or 19.8.0.
This works for me after encountering similar problem since last Wednesday.
I do find something weird is happening recently in the Orchestrator perhaps due to the system upgrade?
I confirm that updating the “UiPath.System.Activities” package to a newer version helped me to solve identical problem. In my case it was upgrading v19 to v21.