I am going through the online training modules again and am currently on the Orchestrator for developers module.
This will impact anyone doing the course (and any other further training that uses orchestrator assets/queues etc.) unless of course this is just affecting me only.
I am using Studio CE edition 2020.10.2
Unless I roll back UiPath.System.Activities to v20.4.4. My orchestrator activities such as Get Asset do not work. I get message You are not authenticated! Error code: 0.
The current package is 20.10.1 (but many of the packages between also do not work, I haven’t tried them all)
I have seen this before but assumed it must have been resolved by now.
Also it’s not just asset related any orchestrator activities also fail like get transaction/add queue item (which shouldn’t require any adjustment, also I believe the view permission for assets is set to true by default in the permissions anyway)
The other thing that makes me think that it is not permission related is that if as I said in the initial post I roll back my UiPath.System.[Activities] to v20.4.4 then it works fine.
If it was a permissions issue surely I would have the same issue whatever package version I was using (unless older packages ignored the permissions set up)
Does anyone have any ideas. In other posts it seems to be that it’s because the domain name was not used in the orchestrator robot set up but I have done that as you can see from the screen shot.
If I try to publish from Studio to orchestrator I get the following message.
Also If I hover my mouse over orange dot on assistant
Does it work when you try to do it on the “SilverRobot”?
I might be wrong and the services of cloud orchestrator are off for me on this moment, but i think you only have one Studio license available to use. Since you are using it on the “SilverRobot” it should not license your other robot.
You could try to create a new robot with a “unattended license” and test the workflow.
I’ve had 2 licences for ages using community edition one for silver robot and one for the other one (which now doesn’t work) I’m guessing they give you 2 so you can play with multiple robots running processes.
However I rarely use the silver laptop (although I am now).
One piece of good news is that on the silver laptop I can use the ‘get asset’ activity using UiPath.System.[Activities] 20.10.1 so this isn’t the issue that I thought it was (however it doesn’t explain why the orchestrator activities weren’t working on the black machine unless I rolled back to activities 20.4.4, however that is now a secondary issue to trying to get the black machine reconnected).
I believe the issue is with licencing (as you can see above the status is showing connected, unlicensed). On my other machine (silver robot) status shows as connected, licensed and is green.
I’ve had both machines active previously until I removed this machine and recreated it. It may be that the licence is still somehow connected to the original machine set up on orchestrator? and was not released when I removed it in order to recreate. I’ve no idea how to now release that licence.
I haven’t tried removing both robots as the silver one is now my only working robot and I don’t want to lose all access to orchestrator (can access orchestrator assets on silver machine using latest studio.activities package though so that is a plus, but not having any orchestrator access at all on this my main machine is a big minus).
Even better I can now access assets using the newest version of system. activities on this machine
If on the assistant if I click on sign in everything goes bad again so I’m not sure about that sign in functionality or what it’s for, but I thought you should know.
For the Sign in to work, Make sure in Orchestrator -->tenant → settings → security enable Allow both user authentication and robot key authentication. Also, make sure your Name and email id and other details are correct in cloud.uipath.com → Admin → Users and groups