Limit To Read Rows From Excel Using The Read Range In Excel Application Scope

Is there a limit to read rows using the Read range in Excel Application Scope, and how many rows can be read at a time?

Note: MS Excel itself is limited to 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns.

UiPath Studio comes by default with two sources for Excel :

  • App Integration → Excel activities
  • System → Workbook activities

For large excel files, it is recommend to use the App Integration Excel activities (those that require an Excel Application Scope).

The activities from Workbook might throw exceptions when working on large excel files. its advisable to always go for the App Integration → Excel activities when working with large files. Internally, they use different libraries to access the content of the excel file, hence the difference in behavior.

The Excel activities in Workbook can be faster when working with small files and the biggest advantage is that they do not require Microsoft Excel to be installed in the system.


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