LibreOffice Writer and UiPath Selectors

I have a case where I need a robot to change specific strings in LibreOffice Writer templates.
I hoped that I could use the selectors but unfortunately not. Therefore I would like to here your suggestions to how I can solve this issue?

Example on problem:
Need to find URL called and change it to, or to The selector cannot go deep enough to change it with variables… 1. it cannot select a word but only sections, and it doesn’t take out the text in the section. 2. it cannot find a word or sentence and write click it to change hyperlink.

What is my opportunities?


Welcome to UiPath forum

The best option for you will depend on your specific needs and skills. If you are comfortable with scripting, then you could use the UiPath VBA Activities or a third-party library. If you are not comfortable with scripting, then you could use the UiPath Text Activities.

Easy one is UiPath Text Activities, which allow you to manipulate text in a variety of ways. For example, you can use the Replace activity to replace all occurrences of one string with another string.

Try and let us know

Cheers @Sara_Maria_Jensen