Dear all, I have strange issue with the example mentioned in the topic above. Although, I followed exactly the same example, the Messgae Box “Correct!” keeps repeating and repeating with no end. Does anybody know why?
Can you share the workflow please!
Please be very clear with your issue description, it will help members to help you fast. It seems you will have to verify the loop condition in which you have used Message Box.
Hi Karthik, thanks for your support. How can share it?
Hi, I used the same as in the example of the training.
This is what I get:
Message executing
Message closed
Message executing
Message closed
Message executing
Message closed
Message executing
Message closed
(and so on)
Please share Main.xaml file.
Hi Karthik, it’s really strange but solved. I delete the Message box and put new one again and it works like a horse. Thanks for your support