Launching Webhook with only one process


I created a webhook in the orchestrator. I configured this webhook in a way that is launched when a queue item is added. But I notice that this webhook is launched every time any process existing in the orchestrator is executed and added a new queue item.
There are any way to rely this webhook to one and only process?
Thank you

No, but you can filter the events you want to monitor. It is possible to filter by the queue in which the item is being added, but not by the process that adds the item.

See the information in queueItem.added to define the best approach for what you need:

Thanks al lot for your reponse.
It is possible to insert the name of the process inside the header in the file sent by the webhook?
This is a capture of the file generated by the webhook


In the header I don’t know if it’s possible. But if only one process feeds the queue, then my first suggestion applies: by the queue name you can identify the process. The restriction is that the process always uses the same queue name.

“Type”: “queueItem.added”,
“EventId”: “9314c897bcb14bcfaa9d1f5752793153”,
“Timestamp”: “2018-11-26T14:14:31.2113498Z”,
“Queue”: {
“Id”: 40014,
“Name”: “QueueNameOfYourProcess”,
Must be considered by the webhook.

“Type”: “queueItem.added”,
“EventId”: “9314c897bcb14bcfaa9d1f5752793153”,
“Timestamp”: “2018-11-26T14:14:31.2113498Z”,
“Queue”: {
“Id”: 40014,
“Name”: “AnotherQueueName”,
should not be considered by the webhook.

If you have more than one process feeding the same queue, consider adding an extra field to the queue item with the name or ID of the process that created it. In addition to the webhook being able to filter by the presence and content of this field, this can be useful for auditing purposes.

If the field exists and has the name of your process, it must be considered by the webhook:

“SpecificContent”: {
“field1”: “Jane Doe”,
“field2”: 125123,
“field3”: false,
“field4”: “
Should not be considered by the webhook.

“SpecificContent”: {
“field1”: “Jane Doe”,
“field2”: 125123,
“field3”: false,
“field4”: “”,
“ProcessName”: “YourProcess”
Must be considered by the webhook.

“SpecificContent”: {
“field1”: “Jane Doe”,
“field2”: 125123,
“field3”: false,
“field4”: “”,
“ProcessName”: “AnotherProcess”
Should not be considered by the webhook.