πŸ“’ Launching UiPath Community Global HyperHack 2022 πŸ”₯

:boom: We are officially calling UiPath Community HyperHack 2022 OPEN!!! :boom:

:bulb: Are you a problem solver within your team or organization? Do you often come with innovative solutions for any business problems that come across? Do you think you can improve the existing business processes using UiPath?

:basketball_man:t2: :globe_with_meridians: :woman_playing_handball:t2: UiPath Community opens the playground to bring together automation enthusiasts, innovators, RPA developers, analysts and testers, to showcase your digital automation skills and innovations on a global stage. Identify any business problems that you believe can be solved with UiPath and register yourself/team with your solution to that problem using any of the categories mentioned below.

:pushpin: Category 1: UiPath Apps
UiPath Apps is a web-based, drag-and-drop business application studio that enables RPA Developers to build and deploy `enterprise-grade applications that deliver rich and engaging end-user experiences.
:pushpin: Category 2: Test Automation
Test automation is the process of automating testing, saving time and resources, and ensuring quality. It’s a vital part of software development and testing. Join Test Automation category using UiPath Test Suite, where you can showcase your skillset in test automation, design, quality assurance, and more!
:pushpin: Category 3: General (Use at least 2)
We challenge you to use at least 2 of the following tools to build your solution to solve a relevant business problem. It can be an out-of-the-box automation designed to benefit every employee at your organization or a unique personal assistant/automation. Products within category: UiPath Task Mining, UiPath AI Center, UiPath Document Understanding, UiPath Native Integrations.

:woman_technologist::man_technologist: Who can participate?

  • RPA Professionals
  • Student software developers
  • Engineers
  • Anyone with ideas and automation skills
  • Testers

:trophy: Prizes vouchers in each category:

  • 1st Place - $3,000
  • 2nd Place - $2,000
  • 3rd Place - $1,000
  • Swag for all finalists

:date: Key Dates:

  • July 11 - Registrations Open
  • August 12 - Last date for registration for the hackathon
  • August 19 - Last date for submitting a functional demo of your idea/solution
  • August 29 - Selected teams/Finalists to be notified
  • September 6 - Final Jury Round
  • September 9 - Winners will be announced

See full info and registration link below :point_down: :point_down:

:point_right: REGISTRATION PAGE :point_right: See UiPath HyperHack 2022 at UiPath Hackathons

:loudspeaker: Amplify UiPath Community HyperHack 2022 in SM:
:loudspeaker: https://bit.ly/uipath-hyperhack-2022



Hi @cristina.vidu,

I nominated myself as an individual initially.
Now, i want to change and participate as a Team for the Hackathon.
Can you please help in this regard?


Hi, I registered in the event individually ,but I want to participate as a team.
How can I change the registration or please help in this regard?

Jayant Kumar

I didn’t find a link to register as a participant. Would someone please share.

Hi, I registered individually ,but i want to participate as a team. How can i change the registration or please help in this regard?

Hi @Nitya1 ,

Even I am not able to find link to register as a participant. It says register here. But that link is for Mentor it seems. Where should we register as a participant?

Hi @db64a40e754add3bd2df0ad39 ,

Please click on RSVP button.


Thank you. I already did that.

Thanks @Basupriya_Biswas

HI @Jayant_Kumar1

You can let us know your team name, and we will make the changes at the backend. Please ensure your team members register/RSVP for the hackathon and mention the exact team name.

I hope this helps; let us know if you have more questions.

HI @Naveen_Bipuram

You can let us know your team name, and we will make the changes at the backend. Please ensure your team members register/RSVP for the hackathon and mention the exact team name.

I hope this helps; let us know if you have more questions.

Hi Vibhor Shrivastava,

My Team name is β€œAutomania”. Please made the changes at the backend.
Yes, My Team Members also registered themselves.


Hi Vibhor Shrivastava,

My Team name is β€œRPA Ninjas”. Please made the changes at the backend.
My Team Members also registered themselves.

Is UiPath community version sufficient for this hackathon?

Yes its is

I am working on automating an internal process. The process contains a couple sensitive documents. One in particular. Will we be required to submit documents (basically a calculator) alongside the software?

Hi, no - you don’t need to submit documents, in your demo/video you may blur the sensitive data as well.

Hi ,
@Vibhor.Shrivastava @Rohit_Radhakrishnan I am participating in Test Automation category.
I just have one question. How many no. of test case should I include in my project? Is there any mandatory no.?