Launching a Process from Orchestrator's Processes tab - Can I customize the prompt for input?

Hi all,

I’m automating a process which requires a business user to provide three input files.

The prototype process is triggered when the business user goes to Orchestrator’s Processes tab and launches the process. At this point, they’re prompted to provide the input files.

The prompt which requests input parameters looks very basic. Is there a way to make it look a little more aesthetically pleasing?


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Hey @rpa_jay

Are you using cloud or on-prem ?


I’m using Cloud, Cheers

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Hey @rpa_jay

You are talking about this ?

Kindly confirm


Business users should not be launching jobs from Orchestrator.

Your automation should prompt them for the files.

@Nithinkrishna That’s the one! Sorry, should have included a screenshot originally.

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Hey @rpa_jay

That’s fine. No problem.

So from the process tab currently we can only do the things with string or JSON.

And its understandable that it will be super technical to use it.

Would you mind explaining the purpose please, so that we can see if some workaround is possible ?


@postwick Can you explain why business users should not be launching processes themselves? Here’s an extract from the docs which seems to suggest it’s acceptable.

Action Center Processes page displays all queues and processes from the associated Orchestrator tenant and folders you have access to. As a business user, you can launch unattended processes directly from Action Center. This allows you to submit data, trigger process execution, and track its progress.

I didn’t say they shouldn’t be launching Jobs themselves. They can, through Assistant.

Business users shouldn’t be in Orchestrator.

@Nithinkrishna Sure!

The process takes three inputs:

  • An input workbook with data, and

  • 2x Static PDF documents

The automation uses the workbook data to populate templated PDF reports. Then it sends emails to relevant stakeholders with the generated PDF report and the 2x static PDF documents attached.

The business user needs to trigger this themselves because the process can’t begin until all of the files are available - there are sometimes delays.

The first version of this automation is to simply generate and dispatch all of the emails, which is already a timely process.

However, I would ultimately like to expand the scope of this project. I would like to use Action Centre to prompt the teams to submit their data into UiPath directly, which would mean the robot could generate input file (1) itself.

The static PDF files would still need to be specified though.

Hope this is clear enough, thanks for your help so far!

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Hey @rpa_jay

Yes it’s pretty clear, you can create an action form task and achieve the same.

Do you need any help on that part then ?

May be I’m attaching some ref here,


@postwick I’ve realized I may not be explaining it that well.

The processes tab is actually entirely separate from Orchestrator. The business user can have access to trigger unattended processes without having any access to Orchestrator whatsoever.

The only permissions required are view Processes and create/view jobs - all restricted to a single folder. No Orchestrator UI permissions.


This kind of customizability is what I needed! Thanks!

It’s a shame we can’t customize the initial input all that much though. Perhaps it’s an idea for the UiPath devs to consider.

Thanks again for your help

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