KillAllProcesses-Kill Process activity and “iexplore”

hi there,
I wonder, what is the purpose of this step:

-Open the KillAllProcesses.xaml file in the Framework folder.

  • Add a Kill Process activity and rename it “Kill process IE”.
    -Set the ProcessName property to “iexplore”.

actually, problem is -“iexplore” -what is the aim of this, this is about internet explorer or something else??

Hi @Zehra

This is to kill the internet explore browser.

Why we need to do it because in some cases though the browser in not present on screen in the RAM the application will be running. so to close those instances we will be using Kill process code.


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so if we want to kill excel app what should we write instead of iexplore

Hi @Zehra - You are exactly right. “iexplore” is the process name of “Internet Explorer” which closes or kills the Internet Explorer window which are open, if any.



or other app
how should we know the name


Yes this is to kill IE browser and if any exception occurs in the process then it will kill IE browser.


@Zehra - There is something called GetProcess Activity, you can loop through the output of GetProcess activity to print the Process Name which you wanted to identify.


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@Zehra - to kill excel application you can use EXCEL.

For any other application you have to get the process name and Use that name to kill that specific application.


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thank you so much Vijay_Kumar_C

thank you so much @lakshman lakshman

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