Kendo Angular Datepicker

Can any one know how to select the date range in following type of date picker!
from and toDatepicker


Hi @ajithanbalagan0706

I think u can check out similar scenario here

I used make my trip date picker

U can check the below worlflow and get the logic of doing it

Make my (26.2 KB)


Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

I tried it, but the error still occurs


Hi @ajithanbalagan0706

The logic to be used is same here

I will tell the logic what u need to apply here step by step

  1. Spilt the date given as input into day ( dd ) format, month in MMMM Format, year in yyyy format and store these separately in the varaible (string) let’s say u stored in day_var, mon_var,year_var to store date, month and year in string format.

  2. Now use a while loop with condition as True

Inside the while loop do the following:
a. Use get text to get month year part (in the figure February 2021- March 2021)
Make sure to make the selector as dynamic. Store the results in the str_var varaible

b. Now use if Condition with condition as

str_var.ToString.Trim.Contains(mon_var+" "+year_var)

If it is satisfied

Then select the date


Do some logic operation to check whether the month extracted is larger than input month or.not and click the forward or backward button Accordingly

Try this logic it will help you


Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed: