I need StudioX to open a page, do some stuff and, then, leave it open at completion so that I may do some more (manual) stuff.
StudioX, however, tends to close the page at the end.
My curent setup is:
I keep a portal page open w/ link to the relevant page
StudioX clicks link on portal, opens page, does stuff, closes but…
leaves page open
This means that i have to always keep portal open which is not ideal.
I have tried “Use application” and then pass the link directly - it closes the page.
I have tried Open new tab (use application, pass newtab chromelink) and then Go to Url. It worked once in a new tab; for the rest of the runs it opened in ew window and closed at the end.
It bugs me because it sould be smth fairly simple: just open a page and leave it open.
This solved the issue thanks. Now, however, it opens a new window every time rather than staying in the current window and making a new tab. The documentation suggests to use attach browser rather than use browser. However it is not available in Studio X. Should I uograde?