๐ŸŽ‰ Join Us as a Speaker at FORWARD + TechEd ๐ŸŽ‰

Dear community enthusiasts,

We have exciting news that we want to share with you!

Our FORWARD + TechEd Call for Speakers is officially live and will remain open until May 27.

This year, our theme is โ€œTransform with AI.โ€

Weโ€™re looking for community enthusiasts who embody the essence of our theme and are using UiPath to transform their organizations with AI.

  • Do you have a story about how AI-powered automation delivers a positive outcome for society?
  • Are you using UiPath to innovate and transform how you do business?
  • Do you have a best practice you want to share with the UiPath automation community?

Step into the spotlight and share your story with us! Weโ€™re eager to hear from you. Simply fill out our form and provide your details., :point_right: Apply to Speak today, and donโ€™t forget to check the FAQs.

Thank you,

Your UiPath Community