✨ ✨ Join us for a walking tour in the UiPath Community!

:sparkles: Hello UiPath Community members,

Exciting news! We’re hosting a walking tour through our community, and we want to extend an invitation to both our newest members and those who have been part of our community for a while. Whether you’re a fresh face or returning after a break, there’s a spot for you on this tour!

:date: Date: February 1

:timer_clock: Time: 10:00 am EST, 16:00 CET, 20:00 IST

:point_right: Meeting Point: UiPath Community See Discover how to grow with the UiPath Community at UiPath EMEA&APAC Virtual Events

If you are a news joiner, embark on your UiPath Community journey and find out how to get the most of it and enhance your skills in automation and AI. As a new member, you’re not just joining a community, you’re becoming part of a movement that’s shaping the future of technology. For our seasoned members, it’s a chance to refresh your knowledge and catch up on what you might have missed.

:point_right:What’s in store for you:

:heavy_check_mark: Community tour: Navigate the rich landscape of the UiPath Community with our guided tour. Discover where to find essential resources, support, and how to maximize your community experience.

:heavy_check_mark: Unlock resources and programs: Discover the many resources that are at your fingertips. From educational content to engaging programs, we’ll show you how to access and benefit from these opportunities.

:heavy_check_mark: Upcoming attractions: Stay ahead of the curve as we share the latest news and upcoming events for the next couple of months. Be the first to know what’s on the horizon.

:heavy_check_mark: MVP insights: Gain valuable insights as a few of our Most Valuable Professionals share their experiences, tips, and how the UiPath Community has propelled their careers. It’s more than just a community; it’s a place where you grow, learn, and connect.

:rocket: Join us to accelerate your journey in the UiPath Community!

To confirm your attendance, RSVP here :point_right: See Discover how to grow with the UiPath Community at UiPath EMEA&APAC Virtual Events , and if you have any questions, please reply to this thread. Let’s make this tour an enjoyable experience for everyone!

We look forward to walking with you through the UiPath Community!