Issue with Integrating Studio with Test Manager 2021.10.3

Why is it not possible to Integrate Studio with Test Manager 2021.10.3?

Issue Description: When trying to integrate Test Manager from Studio, users are encountering an issue where the integration is not successful. Instead, Studio redirects to <orch url>/identity/ instead of accessing Test Manager.

To reproduce this issue, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Studio and either start a new project or open an existing one
  2. In the Design ribbon, navigate to Test Manager > Test Manager Settings
  3. Go to Test Manager Configuration and enter your Test Manager URL
  4. Click Connect and log in using the Test Manager credentials
  5. At this point, the following error message appears:


  1. To resolve the issue with integrating Test Manager from Studio, check the Event Viewer during the test and look for an error message that indicates an issue with the specified ClientScope. The error message may look like the following:

"Scopes": "openid offline_access profile TestManager",

"Error": "unauthorized_client",

"ErrorDescription": "Invalid scope for client"

If the error message listed under Issue Description, it indicates that the specified ClientScope is invalid. To resolve the issue with integrating Test Manager from Studio, you need to add a new record in Orchestrator Database in table [identity].[ClientScopes]. Follow the steps below to do so:

  1. Add the "ClientID" for Robot OpenID in [identity].[ClientScopes] for Test Manager.
  2. The reason for this issue is that the lClientID for the Robo OpenID was missing in [identity].[ClientScopes] for Test Manager.
  3. Add a new record in table [identity].[ClientScopes] with scope = TestManager and ClientID = (This ClientID is Robot.OpenID=Client.Name which is identified from [identity].[Clients] table).
  4. Before making any changes, please ensure that you perform a backup of your database.
  5. Once you have added the new record, test the integration between Studio and Test Manager to ensure that the issue has been resolved.
  6. By following the above steps, resolve the issue with integrating Test Manager from Studio. If continued to encounter any issues, contact UiPath support team for further assistance.