Issue with extending the Community Licence

Hi there,

I am seeing the “license has expired” screen on the Comminuty edition and I was wonderin g if there is a time delay between filling all the details out on the web page and being able to use the comminuty edition?

I have been trying for a good hour to resolve this and each time I open the community edition i get the same screen:-

If I fill in the correct details then I get:-


And yes I have switched the laptop off and back on again…

Will this require a re-install?




Please check below thread and follow the steps.

Uipath Community Edition Free Renew License Issue - #4 by MythicGold

kindly delete the content of the License folder in the UiPath installation directory and try to get the license again…that would work for sure
Try to connect your robot to orchestrator
for that go to start->robot->settings->enter the machine name and key from orchestrator and connect the robot to orchestrator
after this try to open studio it will open @wildev
we were facing this issue for quite few days, this helped to resolve that
for more info on this

Cheers @wildev

Hi there,

Another bit of information I now have to remember.

Thank you very much for this information.

I can now access without a problem


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