Issue with element exists

It is highlighting the crct element. but still element exists is showing false.


since it is a confidential matter I have made wherever req as *

" "

" html app=‘chrome.exe’ title=‘* -’ / webctrl name='-’ tag=‘IFRAME’ webctrl id=‘fraContent’ tag=‘IFRAME’ webctrl id='fra’ tag=‘IFRAME’ webctrl aaname=‘* “&month &”’ tag=‘SPAN’ nav up=‘3’ webctrl aaname='“& (deploy_date.Split(”/“c).Last()).Substring(0,4) &”??? ’ tag=‘SPAN’ "

Hey @KarthikBallary,

Please make sure & is replaced with + in the selector string

" html app=‘chrome.exe’ title=’ - ’ / webctrl name=’ - ’ tag=‘IFRAME’ webctrl id=‘fraContent’ tag=‘IFRAME’ webctrl id='fra* ’ tag=‘IFRAME’ webctrl aaname=’“+month+”’ tag=‘SPAN’ nav up=‘3’ webctrl aaname=’“+ (deploy_date.Split(”/“c).Last()).Substring(0,4) +”??? ’ tag=‘SPAN’ "

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can I know the reason?

Hey @KarthikBallary
If you will not correct it then the entire string inside the double quotes will be treated as string not the variable which will create the problem and uipath will not be able to find the selector you are looking for.

A quick advice use the expression editor from the properties pane and edit the selector there only without opening the expression editor and then make sure & is not in place.

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thank you

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